
What Makes A Man Addicted To A Woman

Adam LoDolce

This article was written by a professional love strategist. If you lot want to learn the 7 Little Love Steps, click here.

So you lot've merely started dating a man who yous think has existent potential. Now you want to make him addicted to you so he's merely equally excited about a future together as you are. But…how in the heck do you do that?

How to Make Him Addicted to You

This guy likes yous…but you want to make him addicted to you so that he can't get plenty of your crawly self! But if yous are back in the dating pool after years or fifty-fifty decades, you may not feel like you're on elevation of your game when it comes to entrancing men.

Allow me to provide a few tips to get you started. Trust me, lady, y'all got this.

1. Show Him that He Turns You On

Whether you've been intimate with this guy all the same or are but heading in that direction, he needs to know that he's got the ability to arouse you.

Information technology might be the things he says…

…or what he wears…

…or the way he touches you.

Whatsoever it is, make sure you let him know that he turns you on. You tin tell him so direct, or respond in more than subtle (or not so subtle) means. If he rubs your knee joint and it makes you purr (go ahead and purr!), caress his arm and smile.

Men—just like women—like compliments, and giving them lets him know yous want more of whatever it is that he's doing to arouse yous.

two. Exude Confidence

At that place's a reason my site is called Sexy Confidence: I truly believe that confidence is the sexiest tool a adult female has in her dating tool chugalug. It goes both means: think virtually these two types of men:

One is shy and constantly caves his shoulders in like he's trying to hide. He's hard to talk to.

The other always takes up space in the room and makes center contact with everyone. He smiles a lot and makes you feel like yous're the only woman in the earth.

Which one is more appealing? I'm going to gauge information technology'southward the confident ane. Self-confidence not only helps you lead a happy life, but it also makes you more appealing to others. If he sees how y'all don't need his or anyone else's blessing and that yous forge your own path, that will make him fond to yous similar nothing else.

If you don't feel 100% in the confidence department, piece of work on it. Everyone is capable of increasing their self-confidence.

iii. Be Genuinely Interested in His Hobbies and Thoughts

If you pay attention, he'll pay attending!

I almost called this section Brand Him Feel Similar a Stone Star because that's kinda what you need to to do make him addicted to you! The thing is, it has to be accurate because if you fake involvement, he volition sense information technology immediately.

Yous can start with active listening. You need to completely dedicate yourself to the conversation. No phones. No looking effectually the room. He'll feel your energy if y'all're completely absorbed in what he's saying.

Side by side, repeat things he'south said. So here's a scenario:

Him: "So I'm taking a guys' trip to Vegas in a few weeks."

You: "Vegas, huh? This is your annual trip with your all-time friends from higher, right?"

In this example, you're showing that you were paying attention when he told yous concluding week most this almanac trip. He feels like you're really paying attention and retaining information. This is irresistible to any human being, trust me.

You can also get his opinion. Maybe you're in a fight with your all-time friend and you want his insight. Inquire his thoughts and thank him for his two cents.

four. Be Vulnerable with Him

When you open up to a man, you're communicating that you trust him enough to tell him things that yous hold dear. That might exist nearly your insecurities, a bad past relationship, or how you experience almost him.

Listen, I suspect information technology might exist hard for y'all to be vulnerable with a man after the experiences you've had in past relationships. But if you're serious about finding love over again (and I think you are), then this is something you're going to have to work on. Not just will it make you irresistible to him, just information technology volition besides help you lot heal past pain and open your centre to new beloved.

Start by sharing something small with him. Information technology might be how it makes you smile to get a text from him first thing every morning. Gradually open up up more and more over fourth dimension.

5. Human action Like the Prize You Are


You lot know you're a take hold of, don't yous? I promise you do. You may be down because yous've gone out with other men and it didn't piece of work out, merely let me simply set you lot straight: that had nothing to do with how desirable or wonderful you were or weren't. Information technology just wasn't meant to be with those men.

If this man is worth it, it'south important that you know your own cocky worth. That will assistance you lot boost your confidence, but it will also make him wildly attracted to you.

Because you aren't going to put upwardly with a man who shows upwards for a date an hr belatedly…

…because you aren't interested in playing games…

…because you don't demand this man. Yous may desire him though…:)

When yous know that you're a prize, you allow him exercise the work to win you. Let him come up to you. Don't be so eager that it pushes him away. Go on with your fabulous life, and he'll want to be a part of it.

6. Be Available…But Not Too Available

This tip on how to make him addicted to you rides the coattails of the terminal tip. If you lot're available every single time he texts, calls, or wants to go out with yous, it won't feel similar much of a claiming.

But if you wait to respond to a text or let him know that you're busy Friday night, he'll want to get a priority to you then that you allocate more of your fourth dimension to him.

I'm non at all advocating that yous play games with the guy, waiting exactly 1 hr and xiii minutes before responding to a text. I merely don't desire yous to centre your earth around hearing from him and immediately responding.

So put your phone on silent. Charge it in another room.

Make plans with your friends. Go along to practise the things you lot love. Fit him in when you have time.

If you're truly living a total life, it won't be hard for you lot to be less available for a man.

vii. Let Your Intelligence Polish (Without Flaunting Information technology)

Let your smarts smoothen! The right man will honey it.

"Adam, I'm smart and I know information technology. But it feels like men are intimidated by intelligent women, so sometimes I experience similar I should dumb myself down to attract a guy. Help!"

This makes me lamentable. I absolutely agree: some men can't handle smart (or confident or strong) women, simply heed to me: these are not the men for you.

There is a guy out there who volition be then turned on past your intelligence, yous'll desire to stride it up, not hide information technology. If the guy you're with is making you feel like he's threatened past your smarts, he'southward not right for you lot.

While I encourage you to let your intelligence shine, don't use information technology every bit a tool to impress him or give yourself the upper paw. If you start talking nigh the evolution of phytoplankton and his eyes glaze over, notice something else to discuss.

8. Exist Accurate

If you're divorced and dating again, you may feel like you don't really know who you are. You're certainly not the girl who final dated in her 20s. I go that you may play effectually with dissimilar dating styles (should yous have a casual fling? tin can you date more than one man at a fourth dimension?), merely deep downwardly, you know who you are.

Let him see your truthful self. Don't feel similar you lot demand to mask your quirks and weirdness. The right guy will fall in dearest with yous because of those things, not in spite of them.

ix. Show You're Ga Ga for Him in Subtle Means

Let him know how he makes you feel.

Whenever you hear his ringtone, you experience butterflies in your stomach. When you kiss him, you feel similar yous're floating. You might feel like these things are obvious to him, only they're probably not.

So let him know. Share how you lot feel when you're with him, and you'll make him addicted to y'all.


I could have summed upwards this unabridged article in a unmarried sentence:

Make him addicted to you by being who you are.

Because it doesn't accept tricks or makeup or a depression-cut shirt to get a guy to want you lot. If the chemical science is right, the two of you will become addicted to 1 some other, so you lot'll have a beautiful love story together.

So tell me in the comments below: how have you lot fabricated a man addicted to you?

Need a little more help? Sign upward for this webinar that will teach yous detailed steps on how to attract a fantastic guy.

make him addicted to you

PS. If yous're ready to commencement making men pursue you for dearest, then join me on this free webinar to discover the three steps to building emotional attraction – Register here to go started (it's 100% free).


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